Throughout the year, and especially during the holiday season, Houlihan Lawrence agents go above and beyond to support their local communities.
Now more than ever, our communities need our help. Here are just a few of the creative ways our agents and offices are coming together help those in need and keeping spirits bright North of NYC.

East Fishkill Supports Local Families
Every holiday the Houlihan Lawrence East Fishkill team goes above and beyond to support their community. While 2020 presented some challenges, once again, our East Fishkill office agents and staff came together to donate food for local families in need. The office collected items, put together donations and delivered to the families while adhering to social distancing.

The Rivertowns Team Supports The Children's Village
The Houlihan Lawrence Rivertowns team has come together this holiday season to hold a gift drive in support of The Children’s Village in Dobbs Ferry. A group of 35 Irvington and Ardsley Houlihan Lawrence agents are sponsoring approximately 40 children, providing a gift for each: a fun toy, sporting equipment, craft items or a game. In addition to the fun gift, each child will be receiving a warm weather accessory (knit hats and gloves).
Brokerage Manager, Janet Kovacs, explains her agents were looking for ways to give back more than ever this year. “This has been a difficult year, especially for children. Our agents wanted to bring these children a little joy at the holidays. We are hoping to make this our new annual holiday tradition in the Rivertowns. If we can bring more smiles to these kids this holiday season, what could be better.”

Chappaqua Supports Feeding Westchester
The Houlihan Lawrence Chappaqua team collected $1,000 to donate to the community. The team used the donations to purchase gift cards that will be delivered to Feeding Westchester to support their needs.

Yorktown Supports Toys for Tots
Due to COVID-19, Toys for Tots lost many of their local drop off locations. The Houlihan Lawrence Yorktown office answered the call, becoming a drop off location, in partnership with St. Mary’s Food Bank, Mohegan Lake. To make contactless donations possible, senior office administrator Cathleen Lawlor also opened up her own home for donations to be sent. Together, the team filled the donation box multiple times and collected over 100 toys and raised over $450. Working with St. Mary’s Food Bank, the gifts were distributed in conjunction with their food pantry days to follow proper social distancing protocols.

Going Above and Beyond for Yorktown Love in Action
Each year, the Houlihan Lawrence Yorktown team supports Yorktown Love in Action, a not-for-profit organization serving Westchester and Putnam county communities by helping individuals and families that have fallen on hard times.
Due to COVID-19 related restrictions, the Yorktown team was not able to lend their normal support this holiday season. But Yorktown agent John Kincart went above and beyond to ensure the organization received support. John personally donated bags of holiday decorations for families in need, along with a generous monetary donation.