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The Bronxville School has decided to reopen its doors this fall to students, in a very measured and thoughtful way. As a fifteen year Bronxville resident and mother of two high schoolers, this is welcome news. I sat in awe of all of the thought and work that went into the plans as I listened to our High School principal, Ann Meyer, meticulously and patiently discuss the reopening plans and answer questions of concerned parents. 

As many city dwellers look to our communities North of NYC to find their new home, I wrote this post to hopefully help enlighten parents who may be exploring in-person education options for their children this year. 

The Bronxville School

About The Bronxville School

Founded in 1921 as a union free school district, The Bronxville School serves roughly a square mile of approximately 6,600 residents and 1,617 students, from Kindergarten through 12th grade. The Elementary, Middle and High Schools have designated wings within the same stately brick building, centrally located within Bronxville and across the street from the public library. For NYC commuters (or would be commuters), Bronxville is a short 30 minute Metro North train ride into Grand Central Station.

An aerial view of The Bronxville School facilities.

The Bronxville School Reopening Plans

The Bronxville School Reopening Plan is a comprehensive 71-page tome which was submitted to NYSED July 31st. Click here to see the approved plans to reopen this September. The school is diligently completing updating and safety projects to open and, though there is the possibility that the first week of school will be virtual due to some delivery related equipment setbacks, The Bronxville School is forging ahead to ensure a safe, in person education for its students this September.

In summary, at this time both the Elementary and Middle Schools will open fully in person, while the High School students will spend a half-day in-person and half of the day learning remotely. Families can choose to have children learn 100% remotely if they wish, and must submit a form to do so. 

All social distancing protocols outlined by the state will be followed in the reopening plans.  A health screening email assessment will be required for all students, teachers and contractors to complete before entering the building daily. Students and teachers will be required to wear masks when moving throughout the school and classrooms will be configured to allow for social distancing with desks 6 feet apart. Plexiglass is being installed at each desk to ensure safety. 

Arrival and dismissal times will be staggered and the school will use multiple supervised points of entry to reduce bottlenecks. Classes will be held outside when possible and transitions between classes will be minimized wherever possible to avoid crowded hallways. There will be friendly monitoring in the halls to ensure that kids are wearing their masks and the school will keep tabs on how the reopening is going, making adjustments as needed. 

Valerie and her two daughters who will be attending Bronxville High School.

Sound overwhelming? Yes, a reality of the times, but  I feel that this is outweighed by the dedication and care that I have witnessed in the Bronxville administrators and teachers over the last few months. 

As a parent and longtime resident of Bronxville, I am proud of how this community and our school has pulled together and rallied to make the back to school experience as positive as possible for our kids. During the last quarter of the 2019-2020 school year, I was astounded at the commitment of the teachers and staff. 

If you are interested in learning more about the fantastic community of Bronxville and the surrounding areas, please contact me. All the best and have a happy and safe school year.

About Valerie Otto

As a fifteen-year resident of Bronxville, I have the local market knowledge and insight to help navigate your next move, exploring Bronxville’s vast architectural gems. My business and corporate marketing background equip me to provide the analytical skills to assess value and negotiate effectively. I have served as Vice Chair and Treasurer on the Non-Partisan Committee for The Bronxville School, which nominates and vets school Board Trustee applicants. Originally from Canada, I have lived in Montreal, Paris, Dusseldorf and Nuremberg. I now call Bronxville home. I pursued my career in Germany and New York as a marketing executive and built my reputation on my ability to develop market insights, get things done, and build lasting relationships.

Valerie Otto

Real Estate Salesperson

Bronxville Brokerage

M (646) 884-0650 O (914) 337-0400

Ext: 247

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The information included in this post reflects that of the Bronxville School reopening plan submitted to NYSED on July 31, 2020. Please visit the Bronxville School District website for the most up to date information on the district’s reopening plans here