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    North of NYC North of NYC By Houlihan Lawrence By Houlihan Lawrence by

    On Sunday, October 17th, Houlihan Lawrence completed our breast cancer awareness campaign by participating in our third local event, the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. It was a beautiful day on so many levels. There were over 10,000 walkers, the sun was shining bright and as always, the Manhattanville College campus and the hamlet of Purchase, NY provided such a gorgeous backdrop for the event.

    Words cannot express how proud we are of our Houlihan Lawrence team. We had over 100 walkers participating and broke our record raising over $55,000 for the American Cancer Society. While we want to thank all of our team captains for their time, energy and enthusiasm, there is one individual who really stood out this year. Debra Tricarico, a licensed associate broker in our Ardsley brokerage, raised over $10,000 herself. A breast cancer survivor, Debra is one of those amazing women that accomplishes so much and makes it look so easy. She rallied the support of her family and friends and held events such as BUNCO ladies night - complete with pink dice - to help raise money.

    BUNCO Fundraiser 2010
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    A heart-felt thanks to all who participated in the walk and donated their time and money for such a worthy cause. We're all looking forward to a day when there is less breast cancer and more Birthdays.