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[caption id="attachment_10402" align="alignleft" width="200"]Credit: Irene Suchocki Credit: Irene Suchocki[/caption]

We recently interviewed the talented photographer behind the photograph that takes center stage in Houlihan Lawrence's new branding. Irene Suchocki's photo was taken in a region of southern France called the Camargue in the spring of 2011. These breathtaking white horses are an ancient breed specific to the region, generally thought to be one of the oldest breeds in the world.

Read on to learn more about the vision, style and process behind Irene's photography, and the story behind this beautiful image.

How do you describe your style?

My brand is called “Eye Poetry” and I feel it really captures my approach to photography, which is based in emotion. Some of the defining features of my style are a dream-like aesthetic, attention to the emotional impact of color and composition, and a minimal style that seeks to remove all that is unnecessary.

Did you have a special, creative connection that inspired you to photograph these wild horses?

I have been aware of the horses of the Camargue for many years, having visited France a number of times before. As a photographer, I strive to create imagery that evokes an emotional response and I, therefore, seek out subjects that resonate strongly with me. The image of these beautiful creatures kept coming back to me and I realized that I had to photograph them. I envisioned an entire series with a subtle color palette of whites and grays; essentially white on white. I love the juxtaposition of the power of these beautiful creatures with these soft and serene colors.

Can you describe the atmosphere as you watched and photographed the herd in action?

We became acquainted with the horses in a field on the first day of the shoot. At first they were rather skittish, but as they got used to our presence, they would approach us. While I was on the ground photographing one horse, another would come up to me and start gently nibbling on my foot or my knee. Later, 25 horses would be running towards us at full speed, so a certain amount of trust had to be built up on both sides.

The actual running of the horses was a visceral and primal experience that I will never forget. The first thing I noticed was the sound, starting as a rumble, like distant thunder, which got louder and louder as they approached. The horses ran towards us with full force, swerving only at the last moment, kicking up the water and mud. These gracious animals did many runs for us, and I felt so in the moment while shooting, caught up in the flow of the action and always looking for unique vignettes to capture.


Visit Irene's website to explore more of her photography.
