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For real estate agents, the need to be in two places at once is all too familiar. Lou Pollak, a Larchmont agent, found herself in a situation which required a buyer, who had just made an offer on one of her New Rochelle properties, to be present for an inspection just days after he returned to his current home in England.

“He said he couldn't come back for a while, and I told him that it is customary to set up inspections within a few days of the acceptable offer,” Lou says. “As I’m talking with him on the phone a light went off in my head and I asked ‘why don’t we Skype the inspection?’”

Three days later Lou made an appointment with Inspect America, introducing her client and inspector using the Skype app on her iPad. Having never used Skype before, Lou was a bit nervous, but says the process was exciting and easy.

Lou Pollak“It was truly amazing—I was like a little kid with a new toy,” Lou says. “I suggested we inspect for 30 minutes and then Skype with our findings. Then I would point the camera to the electrical panel, sump pump, pool equipment and the engineer would discuss what he found. We continued to do this for about four hours until the entire inspection was complete.”

Lou’s use of Skype wasn't just quick thinking and a step in the technological direction; it proved that international buyers are no longer restricted by distance and can be active participants in the home buying process without being physically present. More importantly, Lou matched a family with a house they will soon call home.

“I am happy to report that the house is in contract and we are due to close in mid-November," Lou says.