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A white horse has always been a symbol for Houlihan Lawrence.  As we approached our 125th year, our Chairman, Nancy Seaman, posed a challenge: should we change our logo to keep pace with the rapid change at our company?  She felt our brand story—and our venerable equine emblem—had perhaps not kept up in vividly articulating the modernity of our company. How could we recreate a powerful symbol synonymous with real estate leadership to convey a company not 125 years old, but 125 years modern?


Step one was to liberate the horse.  It can’t be engaging and lively if stuck on a weather vane!  Once we brought the horse down to earth, we also felt it looked a bit traditional.


There was much exploration and experimentation.  We looked to great artists for inspiration:

[caption id="attachment_10394" align="alignnone" width="300"]Da Vinci Da Vinci[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_10395" align="alignnone" width="300"]Sketch-Matisse Matisse.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_10396" align="alignnone" width="300"]Sketch-Picasso Picasso.[/caption]

We sketched, and sketched some more:


[caption id="attachment_10398" align="alignnone" width="300"]Juan Delcan/CO OP Brand Partners Juan Delcan/CO OP Brand Partners[/caption]

Finally, the next generation arrived. Our partners at CO OP, a New York creative agency, collaborated with artist Juan Delcan to deliver the symbol of Houlihan Lawrence for the next 125 years.

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We could not be prouder to introduce you to the pride of our stable, refreshed and invigorated with a touch of graceful confidence and modernity.  Our beautiful new horse is elegant and timeless.
