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There's no shortage of reasons to love spring north of New York City, but there's two we particularly love: the beautiful landscape and an endless variety of new listings jumping on the market. That's why we're challenging you, our creative-minded neighbors of the interwebs, to find your favorite home-for-sale, doodle it out and share it on Instagram through June 30th for your chance to win a generous box of artist's provisions sourced from independent merchants and makers in the Hudson Valley and Brooklyn.

We're accepting entries of all skill levels and mediums, from Matisse-level impressionism on vellum to diner placemat crayon doodles.

Entering is easy:
1) Visit our website to find your favorite Houlihan Lawrence property for inspiration.
2) Create your masterpiece.
3) Snap and to Instagram, tagging us @houlihanlawrence with hashtag #northofnyc (please note submissions from private feeds cannot be seen)

The only rules: Entries must represent Houlihan Lawrence listings. Please respect sellers' privacy and draw from listing photography only—keep all "sketchy" business on paper. We'll judge all entries and announce the winner after July 1. Now, draw yourself one step closer to your dream home. Good luck!

drawing_31master31 Masterton Road, Bronxville

Search for your inspiration