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homestagingIts always a good time to go green in your home, but springtime definitely brings with it the enthusiasm for change. MSN shares more than 100 tips to easily green your home in a multitude of ways, big and small. We've gathered 5 of our favorites below:

Reducing Energy, Waste -- and Your Bills!

1. CFL bulbs work best in those rooms where they're used for at least 15 minutes. Areas that involve frequent "on-and-off" (say, in a closet or pantry) may shorten bulb life.

2. Think strategically: Plant trees around the south and west sides or your home, and if possible shade the air-conditioning unit. You'll definitely save each year on heating and cooling.

3. Get off junk-mail lists. Register with the Direct Marketing Association’s DMAchoice mail preference service (, and within three months you'll clear off a lot of wasted paper from your home.

4. Purchase "superhero" plants. Certain easy-care greens like English ivy and peace lilies naturally help remove indoor air pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene.

5. Hunt down sneaky cold-air leaks using a stick of incense. With the stick smoldering, move it toward the edge of windows and doors. If there’s a draft, the smoke will be blown horizontally (no draft, and the smoke will rise as normal). Fix it with caulk, applied inside and out.

Love these tips? Here are 95 more at MSN!
