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By now, we've all heard the term "social networking." Sharing articles about the real estate market on Facebook, tweeting tips and tricks about how to make homes seem more spacious, and forming connections with clients and agents on LinkedIn. No doubt this socially-driven technological revolution has become a crucial tool for business--but isn't it a breathe of fresh air to see your fans, followers, likes, and connections in person every once in a while?

Last Wednesday, agents from Houlihan Lawrence and Halstead Property met at 3 Stone Bridge Road in Purchase for a morning of networking. Guests were treated to a market update from Houlihan Lawrence COO Chris Meyers and Halstead's chief economist Gregory Heym.

Establishing connections with other agents is imperative, especially for those working in New York City and New York-metro area. In early 2012, Houlihan Lawrence and Halstead Property became two of four residential brokerages (including Coach Realtors and Turpin Realtors) to join forces through the Tri-State Alliance, a partnership that maximizes exposure to listings via the web. Through the Tri-State Alliance, each firm's respective listings are found on all four brokerage websites, which ultimately enhances a user's experience when searching for homes online and provides our sellers with more exposure through the New York-metro area.

Visit our Facebook page to see more from Wednesday's networking event.