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At Houlihan Lawrence, we believe giving back moves us forward. In addition to corporate initiatives, our branch offices and 1,300 talented agents are supporting local causes from Connecticut to the Catskills, many of them rooted in deep personal connections.

To our LaGrangeville brokerage, one such organization is Silver Starlites, a nationally-competitive baton twirling team based in the Hudson Valley. Since 2011, the group's philanthropy has been the Jennifer DeVito Memorial Scholarship, a financial jumpstart awarded to graduating high school seniors. The scholarship is named for Jennifer DeVito, daughter of a beloved member of our LaGrangeville team, Carol Ann Devito, who was tragically taken in a motorcycle accident at just 18 years old.

Agent Loren Lancaster will be running to benefit the fund in this year's Walkway Marathon at Walkway Over The Hudson in Poughkeepsie. Consider a donation here.

"A commitment to our communities is one of the greatest values of this company, and when it involves one of our own, it's all the more close to home," remarked Charles Vetter, LaGrangeville brokerage manager. "The support our agents share for one another is a true a testament to our team."

Starlites 2007 Team Photo 2.jpg
The Silver Starlites 2007 team photo

Learn more about Silver Starlites