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    North of NYC North of NYC By Houlihan Lawrence By Houlihan Lawrence by

    The Wall Street Journal  reported yesterday that  "in nearly 200 years of recorded stock-market history, no calendar decade has seen such a dismal performance as the 2000s."

    Indeed, the real estate market will remember 2009 as a turbulent year, but over the past 10 years, prices in most areas are still above what they were in 2000. In Westchester County the median sold price was $410,000 in 2000; the median sold price in 2009 is $580,000 which is equivalent to a 29% appreciation over the past 10 years.

    Westchester’s market peaked in 2007 with a median sold price of $685,000. Based on MLS data, if you bought at the peak, your home is worth 15% less now than when you purchased. This data also shows that today’s median sold price is about level with 2003 prices. Your level of gain or pain depends on the timing of your purchase.

    Do you look at the value of your home the same way you look at your stock portfolio?