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    North of NYC North of NYC By Houlihan Lawrence By Houlihan Lawrence by

    Houlihan Lawrence is pleased to be one of several Westchester County area brokerage firms whose agents have been selected to participate in Giving House.

    Giving House was established by real estate professionals to provide the real estate community with a turn-key solution for incorporating philanthropy into their day-to-day business. Specifically, Giving House agents pledge to donate 20% of their commission to Giving House. Buyers and sellers can request to work with a Giving House agent, allowing them to “give back” because they are working with a Giving House agent. Developers can make their home or community a Giving House project, which means that a contribution is made to Giving House with every sale. The net effect is that real estate transactions can help support worthy causes and buyers, sellers, agents and developers can play a role in this effort.

    The kick-off party for Giving House is being held this week at Purchase Manor, an estate home built in Purchase, NY by Simone Development and one of the first Giving House homes. Joe Simone, President of Simone Development, is hosting the event, which surely will be the start of something special in the real estate community.

    [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="384" caption="Purchase Manor"]Purchase Manor[/caption]