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1 Essex Place Lawrence Park WestDeveloped by one of the founders of Bronxville Village, Lawrence Park West is an area of Yonkers with a Bronxville post office address, and shares many of the physical qualities of nearby Bronxville Village. The plots of land in Lawrence Park are often larger than many of those found in the Village of Bronxville, and the neighborhood has an estate-like quality about it. The physical beauty of the neighborhood is characterized by sweeping lawns, manicured and mature landscaping and stately homes built with quality details from the 1920’s and 30’s. “Just over the border” from Bronxville, the taxing authority is the City of Yonkers, but the amenities of Lawrence Park West rival those of Bronxville in that Lawrence Hospital is around the corner, Sarah Lawrence College is adjacent to the neighborhood and the Bronxville train station is close by.

25 Birch Brook Cedar KnollsCedar Knolls, also within Yonkers but sharing a Bronxville address, is a designated historic district comprised of 140 homes. Each home is “architecturally distinguished” although there are contemporaries as well as homes dating from the early 1900’s. The Landmark Protection status assures the preservation of the physical beauty of the neighborhood. Cedar Knolls is also renowned for their social gatherings and active neighborhood association.

We are hosting numerous Open Houses in Lawrence Park West on Sunday, May 15 to highlight the attributes of the area.
Please visit our website for a list of all Open Houses in the Bronxville area of Yonkers.