Houlihan Lawrence Real Estate is pleased to announce our continued support as a Flagship Sponsor of the Westchester County 2011 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. In fact, I believe we’re celebrating our 15th year as a flagship sponsor.
Each year, I’ve had the pleasure of speaking about why this cause is so important to the Houlihan Lawrence family. It all stems from two of our core values: community and passion. We want to help the communities in which we live and work. And we do it because we’re passionate about it.
Breast cancer is a devastating disease that knows no boundaries – young and old, female and male. We’re all touched by it in some way during our lifetime. I dream of a day that there will be a cure. I guarantee we all do.
As the American Cancer Society phrases it best, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is "more than just a walk, the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event describes the progress we’re making together to save lives by helping people get well, stay well, find cures and fight back."
Today's kick-off breakfast at the Westchester Marriott was a reminder for us to put on our fundraising hats. Our 15 team captains have already started raising donations and are planning to exceed the amounts they raised last year. You might guess that Realtors are slightly competitive, so I have no doubts that we’ll break our own record.
The most inspirational part of the morning was hearing from a 17 year old student from the Harvey School. He's been attending the walk since he was two years old and his Mother would push him in a stroller. He is now a member of the Pacesetter Club - an elite group of fundraisers who raise over $2500 each year. I was brought to tears by his compassion and generosity...not to mention his ability to speak so eloquently to a group of 700 attendees.
We hope you’ll join us for the walk on Sunday, October 16th at Manhattanville College. We're hoping to raise awareness, raise money and one day there will be a cure.
If you'd like to make a donation on behalf of the Houlihan Lawrence Team, click here.