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    North of NYC North of NYC By Houlihan Lawrence By Houlihan Lawrence by

    With Houlihan Lawrence’s companywide event “Road Map to Success” right around the corner, we wanted to give a special sneak peek into the work of our keynote speaker, Matthew Ferrara.

    A seasoned keynote speaker, Ferrara’s “Modern Marketing” presentation will focus on how real estate agents can leverage the power of technology to boost sales and enhance their selling techniques to garner more business. His company, Matthew Ferrara & Company, is a consulting firm that helps clients embrace the digital age through strategic planning, leadership consulting, technology workshops and management training and coaching.

    Ferrara will also lead one of Houlihan Lawrence’s Road Map to Success workshops, “Social Media Selling.” In the same vein as “modern marketing,” he’ll explain why it’s important to use social media as a way to expand reach and which strategies should be used to execute social networking effectively.

    To find out more information about Matthew Ferrara, visit his website, blog or Facebook page.