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Winter storm Jonas walloped Westchester and Connecticut with white stuff while our northern markets saw not a single snowflake, adding to the rarity of the occurrence that dumped up to 30 inches on parts of New York City and Long Island. Even the hassle and travel bans couldn't keep locals from their excitement seeing the season's first true snow. Here were some highlights:

The docks at the Riverside Yacht Club got a good cleaning...

In the Hudson Valley, non-native species grazed the Hudson Valley frolicked in the snow.

A photo posted by Alicia (@flockofpenguins) on

Bronxville agent MK O'Shaughnessy trekked to Purdys for a visit to the coziest of cold weather hideouts. (We think she had the right idea).

A photo posted by marykarenosh (@mk_oshaughnessy) on

Aiden and Laya, the beloved Corgis of Hilary Evans and Bob Lyle in Katonah, woke up like this.

Jonas couldn't stop Rye agent Kim Arenas from welcoming a new neighbor/client.

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