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While spring is often thought of as the “best time to sell," there is typically a healthy market in fall as well. For a seller, what determines whether or not there is “a market” for their home is the level of buyer activity in the marketplace. No one has a crystal ball, of course, and there are many factors that ultimately determine the ebb and flow of a season. Historic data, however, is a good resource for us to gauge future activity.

I've reviewed the number of listings and showing activity per month for our office since January of 2012. Showings were at their highest levels generally between February and May. Activity continued through June while tapering off in July and August; there was then a spike in showing activity from the second week in September through mid November, peaking in September and October.

If you decide to list in February instead, remember to call your broker soon—we use professional photography and dead of winter photos are never ideal for showcasing your home online! Plan ahead for the best results.


Deborah Doern is the manager of our Larchmont brokerage office. Visit their page here.