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    North of NYC North of NYC By Houlihan Lawrence By Houlihan Lawrence by

    Houlihan Lawrence has just released their comprehensive 2nd Quarter 2012 Real Estate Market Report for New York's Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess counties. Houlihan Lawrence's Market Report offers a more detailed look at our market than other area brokers. Our report features a Supply/Demand analysis of our local market that is unique to Houlihan Lawrence.

    Stephen Meyers, President and CEO of Houlihan Lawrence, and COO Chris Meyers give us a recap of the local real estate market. Here is highlight from their commentary:

    The national media is finally catching on to what we first reported in our Q4-2011 Market Report six months ago – that the housing market has bottomed and we are in the early stages of what could become the next bull market. The market indicators we track are tracing a pattern that has typically marked the bottom of previous housing cycles. Transaction volume is increasing at double-digit rates across most market areas, with lower-end price levels still leading the way. Prices have stabilized at 2003/2004 levels, and we continue to see strong demand across most market areas and price ranges.

    To download your copy of our report click on the cover below:

    Houlihan Lawrence Q2 2012 Market Report