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    North of NYC North of NYC By Houlihan Lawrence By Houlihan Lawrence by

    We are pleased to present our latest update on the state of the luxury market reporting activity through Q-2 2012 for properties priced at $2 Million or more in Westchester County and $1 Million+ in Putnam and Dutchess Counties.

    Houlihan-Lawrence-Luxury-Market- Report-2011Building on the success reported in our Q-1 2012 report, the overall luxury market has continued to improve with substantial increases in both the number of sales as well as dollar volume. Houlihan Lawrence remains the undisputed luxury market leader with a 54% share of total dollar volume in our three-county territory. The statistics indicate that we are moving past the uncertainty that plagued our luxury marketplace in recent years and that high-end buyers are returning to the market with greater confidence. However, the level of activity varies widely depending on the locale. [READ MORE]