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Everywhere you go these days, you hear about Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and all sorts of other social media. Of the many social networking websites, these seem to be the most popular, at least for now. They have become important business tools for real estate firms and professionals and Houlihan Lawrence was an early adopter.

Houlihan Lawrence started using social media in early 2009. We created a company blog, a Facebook Fan Page, a Twitter account and an agent blog site . Additionally, our home tours are on YouTube. It seems like every day we’re finding ways to use social media as well as new places to post real estate news and real estate market statistics.

Real estate has always been a relationship business and social networking is a perfect way to extend and enhance those relationships. Social networking is now a part of our comprehensive marketing strategy, "Reaching every buyer, everywhere".

One could almost get entirely lost in the social media bubble but let’s not forget the most important part of social media – being social. It’s great to make connections online, but it’s even better to meet someone IRL – In Real Life.

Until we meet, feel free to follow us on twitter and friend us on facebook. You’ll get up to date market statistics, great area information and tips about buying and selling your home. If there is specific information we can help you with just send us a tweet or pose a question on our facebook page.