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exterior with lawn IIMaryknoll, the Hudson Valley-headquartered Catholic missionary society, is looking to unload surplus space in Ossining in hopes it can contribute the proceeds towards its work helping the poor.  Formerly home to lay missionaries, the four-story, 43,ooo-square-foot structure on 25 wooded acres was vacated last year when its residents were integrated into the main riverfront campus nearby.

"This is a unique type of property you can't find anymore in the suburbs," said Tom LaPerch, Manager of Houlihan Lawrence Commercial Real Estate Group. "It's very rare."

Zoned for single-family residences on acre lots, the property is prime for additional types of reuse by permit.  The main structure dates to the 1920s, and with its mid-century addition features 36 dormitory rooms, eight apartments, 17 offices and other facilities.  LaPerch stressed the need for commercial managers to think outside the box in re-purposing old buildings for contemporary relevance.  Current proposals have included a live-work environment for artists, a school, or assisted housing for individuals with autism.

"You've got to get creative with these older buildings no longer serving their originally-intended purpose," he explained.  "You can't go out and build something like this anew; it fills a need in a niche market."

The site is available for sale or lease.

Read full coverage from The Wall Street Journal