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Presented by Bill Bonecutter + Ann Dyal

With the advent of tremendous interest in locavore lifestyles and sustainably-sourced cuisine, Millbrook agents Bill Bonecutter and Ann Dyal created Farm To Table Talk, a public radio program educating and advocating artisan enterprise and mindful “agri-ventures” north of New York City.  We’re thrilled to kick off Hudson Valley Restaurant Week by integrating their insightful programming onto our blog, where it will now become a recurring feature.

A Brooklynite's search for deeper meaning led him to live a cultured Davy Crockett lifestyle in the Hudson Valley.

Josh Viertel’s path took him from Harvard grad to President of Slow Food USA, recognized as one of the nation’s most powerful voices in the Food Movement by Forbes and Michael Pollen.  While running this national organization fighting for people to have a connection to the land, he realized he missed growing food and that his own connection to the land had been lost. Josh felt that his life as a food advocate seemed empty.


Three years ago, Josh and his soon-to-be wife Julianna pulled up stakes in Brooklyn, put down roots (pun intended) on a three-acre farm in Wingdale, NY, and began a new life as true homesteaders. Still a professional food activist, Josh now owns a fully sustainable farm where he and his wife grow everything they eat, with little exception. Josh is an avid fisherman and bow hunter, and all his food sources are canned, smoked or pickled. His bounty is glorious and his menus fantastic!

Four times a year Josh and Juliana host a work weekend with an open invitation for not only neighbors but friends from Brooklyn and the tri-state area, friends of friends and strangers alike. Arriving by Metro North or by car, they  to come to his farm, get their hands in the soil, plant, sow, harvest, fish, swim in the Ten Mile River, can produce, make food, camp out in tents with a huge bonfire and play music. What a fantastic way to share what he has experienced with those who may follow his path.

Click on the PPR icon below and listen to Josh Viertel practicing what he preaches (and follow him on Instagram @joshviertel to see it).

Farm to Table Talk airs Mon-Weds-Fri at 3:30pm and Sunday at 8:00am on Pawling Public Radio