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Presented by Bill Bonecutter + Ann Dyal

With the advent of tremendous interest in locavore lifestyles and sustainably-sourced cuisine, Millbrook agents Bill Bonecutter and Ann Dyal created Farm To Table Talk, a public radio program educating and advocating artisan enterprise and mindful “agri-ventures” north of New York City.

Two Pawling natives, newly retired, are fulfilling a lifelong dream as modern shepherds.


Theresa Ryan and her husband, Richard, were childhood sweethearts who married, raised a family and enjoyed lucrative careers, all while living in an idyllic antique North Country farmhouse.  Theresa, with a passion for knitting, time to spare and pastures aplenty, gave serious thought to transforming their property into a sheep farm to harvest the wool to yarn. Rich agreed with the proviso that the sheep also be raised also for meat. After much research they decided to raise the Finn Breed, known for its wool, temperament, breeding and meat. Last year a barn went up, paddocks were laid out and three Finn ewes arrived mid-fall.


"Sabrina" (yes, they all have names) surprised Theresa and Rich a few months later. On New Year’s Eve, with the temperature below zero, she unexpectedly went into labor gave birth to twin boys. The three became five, and over the past year, with the purchase of a ram, the flock now totals 14 as Mother Nature proved she is definitely in charge. It was a surprising yet happy beginning to a wonderful venture that can all be viewed from the Ryan’s dining room window.

Listen below and join Theresa as she shares with us the process, experience, adventures, joys and pleasures of living a dream come true at Oblong Station.

Farm to Table Talk airs Mon-Weds-Fri at 3:30pm and Sunday at 8:00am on Pawling Public Radio