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dog-in-boxMoving is stressful for the entire family, there's no doubt -- but what about your sweet, furry friends? Your pets can feel anxious as well, especially amidst packing tape, strangers moving their favorite furniture and a whole new world to explore.

Here are some tips from the ASPCA on how to make the move smooth for not only yourself, but your beloved pets.

Choosing the Right Neighborhood and Home

It might be too late to adjust if you've already closed on a home, but if you're just beginning the process, don't forget to take into consideration what makes a good home for your pets. Walk around the neighborhood and check out how safe it seems for both your pets and children. Look at your new home with an eye towards your specific animal's needs.

The Packing Process

Most cats and some skittish dogs get pretty upset when their territory is breached by moving boxes and strangers. Bring in the moving boxes early to familiarize them and on moving day, make sure they're tucked in safely in a quiet room with the door shut.

The Road Trip

Every dog and cat owner knows the trauma felt by both pet and owner when its time to take a trip in a crate or car. As you prepare to move, spend time in the weeks preceding to acclimate your pet to their crate. ASPCA suggests the following:

-Place their food inside an open crate, and eventually have them eat their meals in the crate with the door shut.

-Carry your pets around the house in the crate or taking a short drive.

-Help pets develop a positive association with the crate by providing treats and playtime at the conclusion of crate time.

Getting settled

When you arrive at your new home, don't just let your animals loose, no matter how tempting after your long, hectic journey. First, allow them to adjust to one room and make sure to include their favorite toys, treats, water and food bowls. Slowly help them become accustomed to the other rooms in the house. Here are some additional tips for introducing your cat to a new house from the ASPCA.
