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By Vanessa Brunner, Houzz

Buyers can be unpredictable, but there are some key things you can do to help pique people's interest as soon as they walk through the door — or before. Great photography, strategic staging and amazing curb appeal can improve the way your home is appraised, viewed and valued. Check out these guides to learn how to make the most impact when you put your home on the market.

Fresh & Neutral Brentwood Home

How to Stage Your Home
The fact is, potential buyers don't want to purchase your home for your style. But does that mean you have to get rid of all its personality? Check out this guide to find out.
Get the guide: Staging vs. Decorating: What's the Difference?

Curb appeal, clearing clutter, styling, rearranging and reorganizing are all part of staging a home. There's a lot to consider, but these 21 tips can help you get started and sell your home fast.
Get the guide: Sell Your Home Fast: 21 Staging Tips

Most of the time, you'll be selling your home to a younger buyer. What do younger buyers want? This ideabook lays it out for today's sellers. Will these staging tips work for your home?
Get the guide: 7 Tips to Sell Your Home Faster to a Younger Buyer

When you want your home to sell, it's easy to start talking yourself into spending money right and left. But good staging doesn't have to cost a fortune — learn where to spend and where to save when selling your home.
Get the guide: Save Money on Home Staging and Still Sell Faster

There's much more to consider when staging a historic home. How do you make it feel fresh without hiding its character? These tips can help.
Get the guide: 6 Tips for Staging Historic Homes

Claremont Remodel

How to Boost Curb Appeal
Curb appeal is all about enhancing the way your home appears to the world. Upgrading your landscaping, siding, doors and even roof can make your home more appealing to you and potential buyers.
Get the guide: Curb Appeal Begs Your Attention

Curb appeal can make or break your chances of selling. But don't worry — you won't need to invest a ton of money to upgrade your home's look. A brightly colored accent, big house numbers and a few new plants can make all the difference.
Get the guide: 17 Ways to Increase Your Home's Curb Appeal

Menlo Oaks Residence

How to Increase Your Home's Value
The housing market can be fickle, so if you're planning to sell your home at some point, it only makes sense to do everything you can to boost your home's value now. These tips can help you do just that.
Get the guide: 10 Ways to Boost Your Home's Resale Value

Sometimes you do have to spend some money to help your home sell. This article outlines the five parts of your home that could be well worth the extra cash you put into them.
Get the guide: 5 Savvy Fixes to Help Your Home Sell

What you put into your home will have a direct impact on the price you get for it. But what you do — or don't do — can end up hurting instead of helping. Try implementing some of these professional and homeowner tips before having your home appraised.
Get the guide: The Dos and Don'ts of Home Appraisal

Great kitchens are a huge draw for new homeowners — outdated cabinetry or an awkward cabinetry layout can immediately turn off potential buyers. But focusing on the quality, symmetry, color and layout of your kitchen's cabinetry can create an attractive and timeless kitchen.
Get the guide: The 4 Things Home Buyers Really Want in Kitchen Cabinetry

A vacation home is an investment that most people want to make the most of. For many that means renting it during the off season. These tips can make your vacation home look like a dream to potential renters.
Get the guide: Make Your Vacation Home Pay Off

Angelwylde House

How to Get Great Photos of Your Home
No matter how beautiful your house looks, you'll need stellar photography to get people through the door. Learn how to get eye-catching photos and find out what buyers are looking for in this guide.
Get the guide: Attract Home Buyers Easily With Great Photography

Whether you're renting your home or putting it on the market, your success depends a lot on your home's photography. If hiring a photographer isn't in your budget, these tips can help you take your own terrific shots.
Get the guide: Take Better Photographs of Your House in a Snap

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